Managing the job satisfaction of knowledge workers – an empirical investigation
In the context of managing knowledge workers, the present study strives to develop a reliable and valid scale to measure the job satisfaction of knowledge workers. The data collected from a sample of 511 knowledge workers, on analysis, results in a 30-item scale with Cronbach alpha value 0.93 and the reliability of subscales ranging from…
Read MoreThe importance of welcoming new employees and its impact on professional motivation and satisfaction
This study intends to measure the impact that welcoming practices may have on the motivation and satisfaction of health care employees (nurses, administrative personnel and other health technicians). Based on a sample of 114 new professionals a structural model on the impact of welcoming practices on work motivation and satisfaction was estimated. The model shows…
Read MoreEthical mindsets in the Australian services sector
The aim of this paper is to examine the existence of ethical mindsets in the Australian Services Sector and to investigate the role of spirituality and aesthetics in this phenomenon. Employing an interpretive mixed methods approach, data was collected via an online survey followed by focus groups interviews. The respondents to the online survey and…
Read MoreSustainable leadership – the fundamental solution to lasting superior staff performance
The Hawthorne experiments of the 1920s laid the foundation of leadership research, in particular into the question of ‘how does a leader achieve greatest staff performance?’ In the ninety years of extensive effort and vast literature being generated there is still today no systematic, scientific and causal answer to this question. Major effort was invested…
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