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Strategic Leadership

UUNZ’s leadership

Industry Meeting-Crop
UUNZ CEO & Governance Board Advisory Members
Dr Jinming Chen (CEO) Dr John Hinchcliff
Juanita Helg (Chair) Dr David Lawson
Dr Colleen Rigby (Academic) Sam Chan (Finance)
Rex Morgan (Industry) Marion Edwards (Māori Affairs)
Cathy Zhang Dr Nora Yao (Leadership)
Dr Lawrence Zhang (Linguistics-in-Education) 
UUNZ Academic Board Industry Advisory Council
Dr Colleen Rigby (Chair) Rex Morgan (Chair)
Faizal Muhammad (Information Systems)
Franky Wang (Banking)

Our CEO & Governance Board

Jinming Chen

Dr Jinming CHEN


Dr Jinming (Jimmy) Chen has trained and worked as a Clinical Cardiology Fellow and Cardiologist in both China and Australia. He has spent nearly thirty years in the practice of medicine and retains a contract with two Chinese Medical Universities as Senior Consultant Cardiologist. Dr Chen has a comprehensive knowledge of the education systems in both the Peoples Republic of China and New Zealand and has fostered close links with education leaders in Asia particularly in the Peoples Republic of China. In addition to his clinical and educational roles he is President of the New Zealand Henanese Association, CEO of the New Zealand Health Foundation for Asian and Ethnic Communities, an overseas member of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, a member of the Overseas Advisory Committee of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of the PRC and Deputy Chair of the Overseas Exchange Associations of both Heilongjiang and Henan Provinces of the PRC.

Juanita Helg


Taku maunga ko Rakaumangamanga o te whare tapu o Ngapuhi
Taku moana ko Ipipiri o Tokerau
Taku hapu ko Ngati Kuta raua ko Patukeha
Taku iwi ko Ngapuhi
Taku marae ko Rawhiti
Ko Juanita Helg taku ingoa

Juanita Helg hails from the beautiful shores of Rawhiti in the Bay of Islands which is found in the top of the North Island on the East Coast. She graduated with a Masters in International Business Administration in 2002. Since graduating she has had senior roles within the PTE education sector before owning and operating her own Outsourcing Contact Center. She has since then taken on more governance and advisory roles where helping teams and individuals to achieve is a real privilege to be part of. Juanita brings a wealth of business knowledge and key connections to provide UUNZ with the forward momentum needed to connect with Maori and Industry.

Colleen Rigby

Dr Colleen Rigby


Colleen qualified with a PhD in psychology and ran her own practices as a psychologist in New Zealand for many years. In addition, she has lectured in topics related to Organisational Behaviour and to Human Resources management at the universities of Kwazulu-Natal, Massey University and the University of Waikato. Her international experience includes teaching in five countries and being involved in study tours to India and China. She spent a period as the Director of the MBA at the Waikato Management School at the University of Waikato. Colleen brings a range of “real life“ experience too, having worked as a Regional Director for EY, as a Human Resources Development Manager for a Fortune 500 manufacturing company and as a Human Resource Research Manager for a major financial institution. Currently she offers business mentoring services to various organisations. Her interests include photography, cycling, reading and gym.
Rex Morgan

Rex Morgan

Senior Business Advisor

Rex Morgan is a Senior Business Advisor. Based in Auckland, Rex was originally from Christchurch NZ. During his extensive career, Rex has held senior roles in ownership and management across a wide range of businesses. This covered Retail, Hospitality, Information Systems and Multinational Corporate environments. Rex has travelled widely across many countries over his business years and has a broad knowledge of all geographical areas within NZ. This knowledge and experience is valued by those businesses and individuals he mentors. Rex has a passion for helping the younger generation moving forward in life and provides a caring attitude to all those he associates with.



Member of Institute of Directors